Other Logistics Services

We are a searching, finding and buying company which serves you from production to purchase in order to get export merchandise that manufactured in Turkey

Turkey: Discover The Potential: We are a searching, finding and buying company which serves you from production to purchase in order to get export...

Project Transportation - Solution for Above Standard Needs

As Marent Logistics, one of our services that best reflects our business principles is project transportation. Thanks to our strong international network,...

Do you need to purchase from Turkey?

There may be some problems when you buy goods in Turkey. Delayed delivery times, high prices, communication barriers, or diversification of goods, may end...

Do you want to sell your products in Turkey?

Turkey is a huge market for oversea products. Are you worried about how to start selling in Turkey? It can often mean high risk and costly investment...

Do you want to export to Turkey?

With a clear EU focus and a strong regional position, Turkey is playing an increasingly important role in its surrounding area and beyond. A booming...

Import from Turkey

“If you decided to import products from Turkey, Remember; all the difficulty of remote monitoring Process! Don’t take any risks, call us! “ We...